International Campaign for Establishment and Development of Oncology Centers (ICEDOC)

Approaching global oncology. The win-win model

Approaching Global Oncology - IOP publishing Ltd Link
It is edited by Ahmed Elzawawy and Wilfred Ngwa
More than one hundred co-authors contributed in the book.
We recognize with great appreciation the special contribution of the late Dr. Vazqez , Former President of the Republic of Uruguay, Keynote : HRH Princess Dina Mired , Past President of the UICC and Honorary Ambassador of the Win-Win movement , Foreword : Sir Muir Gray.
Publisher: IOP, Ltd. Bristol, UK.
You can find the book here if you click here Approaching Global Oncology - Book - IOPscience

The front matter including the book Summary, the first chapter and the abstracts of all chapters are free online for all.
For the Amazon link: Click Here

The aim of the book is to contribute in global- effective - efforts to increase affordability of better value of cancer care via scientific and win-win approaches in the real world.

The publication of our common book is just the first phase. What is more important is the post book that implies creating a big global stimulus. Hence it depends on all contributors for promoting and advocating for this first edition and sharing in replying feedback, ideas and suggestions of readers and all stakeholders and feedback and readers.

It is a “living book. The credit is for all of you as contributors now and all who will share in making future progress. We don't claim any personal praise.

Moreover, Please share this information about the book, its link Approaching Global Oncology - Book - IOPscience to those who may be interested in your networks, scientific communities and your librarian.
For the Amazon link: Click Here

We look forward to receiving your kind feedback about.

The win-win movement and the book as well belong to all and surely to you personally
You are always welcomed.
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Prof. Eduardo Cazap
Prof. David Kerr
Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy
Prof. Wil Ngwa

or to contact directly : Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy in case of any difficulty or no response due to technical reasons

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